Jun 11, 2013

Review of "Zaregoto" Series part 4



In the first volume, "E-Chan" was just an attendant for "Tomo Kunagisa", who was a genius, in the first place.


However, readers gradually knew that he was not just an attendant but had a special ability by proceeding to read this series.


What was his ability?


It was "Zaregoto."


At least, he called it so.


"Zaregoto" means "nonsense" in English.


Probably, you cannot understand what I am getting at, can you?


In short, he could overcome any severe situations and obstacles by making use of his words freely.


No one knows whether his talk is true or not.


No one knows his genuine intentions.


Everyone must be involved in his pace by his words whenever they talk with him.


That's why he is called "Zaregoto Tsukai" meaning "Master of Nonsense."



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