Jul 5, 2013

Review of "Shin Honkaku Mahō Shōjo Risuka (Magical Girl Risuka)"


I have finished reading the volume 1 of another Nishioishin's novel named "Shin Honkaku Mahō Shōjo Risuka (Magic Girl Risuka)."

His work was wonderful as I expected!


In the first place, I could not imagine how the story of this novel would have been because the title thereof had the words "Magic Girl" like "Maho shojo Madoka Magika" I introduced before.


I did not think that Nishioishin used these words for title of his novel.


That was why it was difficult for me to connect the words to Nishioishin.


However, this novel was wonderful as I expected.


His novels always go beyond my expectation, no, rather do not live up to my expectation in a good sense.


The story of it was also out of my imagination.


The hero was a boy who was the fifth-grade elementary school student.


The heroin was a girl who was the same.




He was so intelligent and clever that I couldn't help suspecting that he was not a child in fact.


She was not just a girl but a magical girl.


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