Apr 18, 2013

Sword Art Online 11

Kirito came up with an idea as soon as he dived into ALfheim Online for the first time.

He thought that it was possible he could see Yui, who was a small pretty girl, again in another virtual world, ALfheim Online.

Who is Yui?

She is not a human but an "AI," which stands for Artificial Intelligence, so she can exist in only virtual worlds like Sword Art Online and ALfheim Online.

Kirito and Asuna firstly met her in SAO.

She called them "Papa" and "Mama" as if she were their real daughter, so they also loved her as so.

However, Kirito and Asuna could not have been seeing her in the mean time due to secret reason.

So, Kirito felt both expectation and anxiety, thinking of the idea at that time.

Fortunately, his expectation was filled.

He started his, no, their long and short journey with Yui who was given a role as "Navigation Pixy" in order to look for and rescue Asuna they deeply loved.
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