Apr 15, 2013

Sword Art Online 8

Although today's topic excessively proceeds from previous one, I want to write about the recentest chapter of SAO series.

This is "Alicization Series."

The first chapter of the series is titled "Alicization Beginning" which is in volume 9 of SAO novel series.

To tell the truth, I was not highly looking forward to the "Alicization Series" originally. That was because I thought that the chapter regarding the first virtual world "Sword Art Online" in volume 1 was the greatest, and that the author Reki Kawahara didn't have a plan to continue SAO novel series for such a long period in the first place and he has been managing to continue until now.

However, I realized that I had not had enough power to evaluate novels in advance when I finished reading volume 9.

This new series was unpredictable and built on story settings arranged greatly. So I'm sure that readers will be attracted deeply.

There are several new key characters in the series. One of them is Eugeo, who is a boy having brown hair and green eyes.

Kirito is cool guy as I said before, but I can't say Eugeo is not superior to him. Eugeo is also kind to other people around him and brave at the important time.

Alicization Series is about the stories in new world named "Underworld."

You may not understand where the world is or what it is when you start to read. That's because it is not explained in the beginning. So, you will keep to think, "Where are they?", "What's going on there?" or something like that.

But, it will be gradually revealed step by step.

The more you read, the more you become excited!

If there are people who used to read SAO novel series but don't do now, I strongly want to recommend them to try the new series.
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